【有奖征稿】LED照明控制开放标准——ZigBee Light Link
上传人:LEDth/整理 上传时间: 2013-04-07 浏览次数: 88 |
ZigBee Light Link gives the lighting industry a global standard for interoperable and very easy-to-use consumer lighting and control products. It allows consumers to gain wireless control over all their LED fixtures, light bulbs, timers, remotes and switches. Products using this standard will let consumers change lighting remotely to reflect ambiance, task or season, all while managing energy use and making their homes greener. You can learn more about this standard by watching ourwebinar "Exploring New Lighting Opportunities with ZigBee Light Link."
Products built using this standard are as easy-to-use as a common dimmer switch. The standard does not require any special devices to coordinate with the lighting network, making it both easy and intuitive for consumers to use every day. Plus, it makes adding or even removing products to the lighting network a quick and easy. ZigBee Light Link products earning the ZigBee Certified seal are the industry's only networked consumer lighting products offering simplicity and interoperability.
Since ZigBee Light Link is a ZigBee standard, lighting products will interoperate effortlessly with products using other ZigBee standards already in consumers' homes, including ZigBee Home Automation, ZigBee Input Device, ZigBee Remote Control and ZigBee Health Care.
Leading home lighting solution manufacturers who contributed their expertise to the development of ZigBee Light Link, including GE, Greenwave, OSRAM Sylvania and Philips.
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