歡迎加入經銷商行列。 Aouste的產品特色: 1.無電源供應器,裡面沒有場效應管,電解電容,成本低,為世界上壽命最長的LED節能燈。 2.燈的壽命是約等於LED本身約50000小時的使用壽命(使用壽命意思是:光輸出衰減到原來的70%) 3.無需變壓器,電感器,可以很容易地通過了EMC,EMI電磁兼容,干擾檢測試驗。 4.如果你每天使用10小時,燈泡壽命約= 5000天 5.壽命5000天除以365天=約13.7年 6.如果每天使用20小時,壽命=13.7除以2,約6.85年 7.保修6年,如果不製造缺陷和外部因素的影響,此產品在他們的生活不需要售後服務 8.使用50,000小時後,燈的光輸出衰減到原來的70%,你可以把它從辦公室搬到走道、停車場,繼續使用超過十年。
Special Features of Acouste’s lights : 1.No power supply unit inside, no FET, electrolytic capacitors inside, the low-cost LED energy-saving lamps with the longest life in the world. 2.The lamp's lifespan is approximately equal to the life of the LED itself, about 50,000 hours ( Lifespan means the time when light output decay to 70% .) 3. No transformer, inductors inside, can easily pass through the EMC, EMI electromagnetic compatibility, interference detection test. 4. If you use 10 hours per day, the lamp lifespan of approximately = 5000 days 5. Lifespan 5000 days divided by 365 days = about 13.7 years 6. If you use up to 20 hours per day, lifespan = 13.7 divided by 2, which is about 6.85 years 7. With 6-years warranty, if no manufacturing defects and external factors, this product in their lives do not need to after-sales service 8. After 50,000 hours, the lamp light output decay to 70% can be moved from the Office to the aisle, continue to use more than a decade.